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We supply asbestos removal bags

Imperial Polythene have over 30 years of experience in designing and manufacturing durable bags for carrying asbestos.

Asbestos Sacks

Get your asbestos bags from Imperial Polythene

Get your customised polythene red & clear polythene sacks, sample bags and polythene sheeting from Imperial Polythene. We can store stock of your bespoke asbestos products and ship them when required, or on a routine basis.

The size, thickness and design of these bags can be customised to your needs. We hold the appropriate designs to print asbestos warnings and instructions onto your sacks.

Frequently asked questions

Which types of asbestos can be carried in your polythene bags?
All asbestos families can be carried in our Polythene bags, including Amosite, Crocidolite and Chrysotile.

Do asbestos sacks come in packs?
In the UK, Asbestos waste requires double bagging. We supply packs of accredited red and clear asbestos sacks with clear asbestos warnings printed in quantities which suit your needs.

Which asbestos products can be carried in your polythene bags?
All forms, provided the weight & size restrictions are obeyed. Customers often use our bags to carry asbestos cement panels, artex, asbestos insulation board, lagging and loose fill insulation.

Customer service staff at Imperial Polythene

Get your polythene products from Imperial

Get in touch today to discover how we can help, or request a sample to see how we work.